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Download Metodo Pares Flauta Transversal PDF: Learn to Play the Flute with this Easy and Fun Method


Download Metodo Pares Flauta Transversal PDF: A Comprehensive Guide for Flute Learners

If you are looking for a way to improve your flute playing skills, you might have heard of Metodo Pares Flauta Transversal, a popular and effective flute method that has been used by many flutists around the world. But what is this method exactly, and how can you download it in PDF format? In this article, we will answer these questions and more, and provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to download Metodo Pares Flauta Transversal PDF and use it effectively. Let's get started!

What is Metodo Pares Flauta Transversal?

Método Pares Flauta Transversal, or Pares Scales for Flute, is a flute method book written by Guillermo Parés, a Spanish composer and flutist who lived in the late 19th and early 20th century. The book consists of hundreds of exercises, scales, arpeggios, intervals, chords, and melodies that cover all aspects of flute technique, from tone production to articulation, from fingering to expression. The book is divided into four parts: elementary, intermediate, advanced, and superior.

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The history and features of the method

Guillermo Parés was born in Barcelona in 1859 and studied flute at the Conservatory of Music in his hometown. He later became a professor of flute at the same institution and wrote several books on flute pedagogy, including Metodo Pares Flauta Transversal, which was first published in 1898. The method was inspired by his own experience as a flutist and teacher, as well as by other famous flute methods of his time, such as those by Taffanel-Gaubert, Boehm, Kummer, Berbiguier, and others. The method is characterized by its systematic and progressive approach, its variety and diversity of exercises, its musicality and elegance of style, and its adaptability to different levels and goals of flute learners.

The benefits and challenges of using the method

Using Metodo Pares Flauta Transversal can bring many benefits to your flute learning process. Some of these benefits are:

  • It can help you develop a solid foundation of flute technique, from breathing to posture, from embouchure to finger coordination.

  • It can help you improve your intonation, accuracy, agility, speed, endurance, flexibility, and range on the flute.

  • It can help you enhance your musical skills, such as sight-reading, ear training, rhythm, phrasing, dynamics, articulation, expression, and interpretation.

  • It can help you expand your repertoire and musical knowledge by exposing you to different styles, genres, periods, composers, and cultures.

  • It can help you prepare for exams, auditions, competitions, performances, or any other flute-related goals you might have.

However, using Metodo Pares Flauta Transversal also comes with some challenges that you need to be aware of. Some of these challenges are:

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  • It can be overwhelming or boring to practice the same exercises over and over again without variation or feedback.

  • It can be difficult or frustrating to follow the instructions or notation of the method, especially if you are not familiar with the Spanish language or the European notation system.

  • It can be challenging or risky to download the PDF version of the method, as you might encounter legal, ethical, or technical issues.

Therefore, before you decide to use Metodo Pares Flauta Transversal, you need to weigh the pros and cons carefully, and make sure that you have the right motivation, guidance, and resources to do so.

How to download Metodo Pares Flauta Transversal PDF?

If you are convinced that Metodo Pares Flauta Transversal is the right flute method for you, you might be wondering how to download it in PDF format. After all, having a digital copy of the book can be convenient and cost-effective, as you can access it anytime and anywhere, without having to buy or carry a physical book. However, downloading Metodo Pares Flauta Transversal PDF is not as easy or simple as it sounds. There are some legal, ethical, and technical issues that you need to consider and address before you proceed.

The legal and ethical issues of downloading the PDF

The first thing you need to know is that Metodo Pares Flauta Transversal is a copyrighted work that is protected by intellectual property laws. This means that you cannot download, copy, distribute, or use the PDF without the permission or authorization of the author or the publisher. Doing so would be illegal and unethical, and could result in legal consequences or penalties.

Therefore, before you download Metodo Pares Flauta Transversal PDF, you need to make sure that you have the right to do so. You can check the following sources for more information:

  • The official website of the publisher of Metodo Pares Flauta Transversal, which is Editorial de Musica Boileau. Here you can find the details and conditions of purchasing or accessing the book online.

  • The website of the International Music Score Library Project (IMSLP), which is a public domain library of musical scores. Here you can find out if Metodo Pares Flauta Transversal is in the public domain in your country or region.

  • The website of Creative Commons, which is a global nonprofit organization that provides licenses and tools for sharing creative works. Here you can find out if Metodo Pares Flauta Transversal has a Creative Commons license that allows you to download or use the PDF legally.

If you are unsure or doubtful about the legal or ethical status of downloading Metodo Pares Flauta Transversal PDF, it is better to avoid doing so, and opt for other alternatives instead.

The best sources and platforms to download the PDF

If you have confirmed that you have the legal and ethical right to download Metodo Pares Flauta Transversal PDF, the next thing you need to know is where and how to download it. There are many sources and platforms that claim to offer free or cheap downloads of Metodo Pares Flauta Transversal PDF, but not all of them are reliable or trustworthy. Some of them might be scams, viruses, malware, or spam that could harm your device or compromise your security.

Therefore, before you download Metodo Pares Flauta Transversal PDF from any source or platform, you need to make sure that it is reputable and safe. You can check the following criteria for more guidance:

  • The source or platform has a clear and transparent identity and contact information.

  • The source or platform has positive reviews and feedback from other users.

  • The source or platform has a secure and encrypted connection (HTTPS) and a valid certificate.

  • The source or platform has a clear and reasonable policy on privacy, terms of use, refunds, and customer service.

  • The source or platform does not require you to provide sensitive or personal information, such as your credit card number, password, or social security number.

Some examples of reputable and safe sources and platforms that offer downloads of Metodo Pares Flauta Transversal PDF are:

  • The official website of Editorial de Musica Boileau, where you can buy the digital version of the book for 24 euros (about 27 US dollars).

  • The website of Sheet Music Plus, where you can buy the digital version of the book for 29.99 US dollars.

  • The website of Scribd, where you can access the digital version of the book with a subscription of 9.99 US dollars per month.

The steps and tips to download the PDF successfully

If you have chosen a reputable and safe source or platform to download Metodo Pares Flauta Transversal PDF, the final thing you need to know is how to download the PDF successfully. The exact steps and tips may vary depending on the source or platform you use, but here are some general guidelines that you can follow:

  • Visit the website of the source or platform and search for Metodo Pares Flauta Transversal PDF.

  • Select the option to buy, download, or access the PDF, and follow the instructions to complete the payment or registration process.

  • Once you have confirmed your purchase or subscription, you will receive a link or a code to download or access the PDF.

  • Click on the link or enter the code, and choose a location on your device where you want to save the PDF.

  • Wait for the download or access to finish, and then open the PDF with a compatible software or application.

Some tips that can help you download the PDF successfully are:

  • Make sure that you have a stable and fast internet connection.

  • Make sure that you have enough storage space and battery life on your device.

  • Make sure that you have a backup or a copy of the PDF in case of any loss or damage.

  • Make sure that you respect the rights and rules of the author and the publisher, and do not share or distribute the PDF without permission.

How to use Metodo Pares Flauta Transversal PDF effectively?

Congratulations! You have successfully downloaded Metodo Pares Flauta Transversal PDF. Now, how can you use it effectively to improve your flute playing skills? Here are some suggestions and recommendations that you can try:

The prerequisites and requirements for using the PDF

Before you start using Metodo Pares Flauta Transversal PDF, you need to make sure that you have the prerequisites and requirements for using it. These include:

  • A flute that is in good condition and tuned properly.

  • A metronome, a tuner, a recorder, and a music stand.

  • A comfortable and quiet place to practice.

  • A regular and consistent practice schedule.

  • A clear and realistic goal for your flute learning.

  • A qualified and experienced flute teacher or mentor who can guide and support you.

The structure and content of the PDF

Next, you need to familiarize yourself with the structure and content of Metodo Pares Flauta Transversal PDF. The PDF has four parts: elementary, intermediate, advanced, and superior. Each part has several chapters that cover different topics and aspects of flute technique. Each chapter has several exercises that vary in difficulty, length, and style. The exercises are numbered and labeled with tempo, key signature, time signature, dynamics, articulation, expression marks, and other musical indications. The exercises are also accompanied by explanatory notes, tips, examples, diagrams, illustrations, and references. Here is an example of how a typical exercise looks like in the PDF:

Método Pares Flauta Transversal - Parte I - Capítulo I - Ejercicio 1

Ejercicio 1Notas explicativas

Este ejercicio tiene por objeto desarrollar la embocadura y la emisión del sonido. Se debe soplar con suavidad y regularidad, procurando obtener un sonido claro y puro. Se debe evitar cualquier tensión o rigidez en los labios, la lengua, la mandíbula o el cuello. Se debe respirar profundamente y relajadamente antes de cada frase. Se debe mantener una buena postura corporal y una correcta posición de la flauta.

(Translation: This exercise aims to develop the embouchure and the sound production. You should blow softly and steadily, trying to obtain a clear and pure sound. You should avoid any tension or stiffness in your lips, tongue, jaw or neck. You should breathe deeply and relaxedly before each phrase. You should keep a good body posture and a correct position of the flute.)

The strategies and techniques for learning from the PDF Finally, you need to apply some strategies and techniques for learning from Metodo Pares Flauta Transversal PDF. These include:

  • Choosing the right level and chapter for your current skill and goal. You can start from the beginning and progress gradually, or you can skip or review some chapters according to your needs and preferences.

  • Practicing the exercises with attention and concentration, following the instructions and indications carefully. You can use the metronome, the tuner, the recorder, and the music stand to help you practice more effectively.

  • Repeating the exercises until you master them, but also varying them to avoid boredom and monotony. You can vary the exercises by changing the tempo, the dynamics, the articulation, the expression, or the transposition.

  • Comparing and contrasting the exercises with other flute methods or pieces, to gain a broader and deeper understanding of flute technique and music. You can also consult other sources of information, such as books, articles, videos, podcasts, or blogs on flute pedagogy.

  • Evaluating and reflecting on your progress and performance, using the recorder or a self-assessment checklist. You can also ask for feedback or advice from your flute teacher or mentor, or from other flute learners or experts.


Método Pares Flauta Transversal is a flute method that can help you improve your flute playing skills in a systematic and progressive way. However, downloading it in PDF format is not a simple task. You need to consider the legal and ethical issues, choose a reputable and safe source or platform, and follow the steps and tips to download it successfully. Moreover, you need to use it effectively by having the prerequisites and requirements, familiarizing yourself with the structure and content, and applying some strategies and techniques for learning from it. By doing so, you can make the most of Metodo Pares Flauta Transversal PDF and enjoy your flute learning journey.


Who is Guillermo Parés?

Guillermo Parés was a Spanish composer and flutist who lived in the late 19th and early 20th century. He was a professor of flute at the Conservatory of Music in Barcelona and wrote several books on flute pedagogy, including Metodo Pares Flauta Transversal.

What is the difference between flauta transversal and flauta dulce?

Flauta transversal is the Spanish term for transverse flute or Western concert flute, which is a woodwind instrument that is held horizontally and played by blowing across a hole in the mouthpiece. Flauta dulce is the Spanish term for recorder or fipple flute, which is a woodwind instrument that is held vertically and played by blowing into a whistle-like mouthpiece.

How long does it take to finish Metodo Pares Flauta Transversal?

There is no definitive answer to this question, as it depends on many factors, such as your level of skill, your goal of learning, your frequency and duration of practice, your pace of progress, your motivation and interest, etc. However, as a rough estimate, you can expect to spend at least several months or even years to finish Metodo Pares Flauta Transversal.

Is Metodo Pares Flauta Transversal suitable for beginners?

Yes, Metodo Pares Flauta Transversal is suitable for beginners, as it starts from the basics of flute technique and music theory. However, beginners might find some exercises too difficult or too advanced for their level. Therefore, beginners are advised to use Metodo Pares Flauta Transversal under the guidance of a qualified and experienced flute teacher or mentor who can help them choose the appropriate exercises and provide them with feedback and support.

Is there an English version of Metodo Pares Flauta Transversal?

No, there is no official English version of Metodo Pares Flauta Transversal. The original version of the book is written in Spanish and uses the European notation system. However, there are some unofficial translations or adaptations of some parts of the book that are available online or in print. Alternatively, you can use an online translator or a dictionary to help you understand the Spanish text or notation. 44f88ac181


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